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Sumner's Cockles!
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Salaam. I hope you have a good day and leave with a smile on the face :)
한국 친구 (That's Korean for Korean friends) ^__^
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @ 9:33 PM


Last week was so memorable~..

On Monday, Zaty my old friend from MARA Seremban College came down to Christchurch to pay me a visit. Since she had never 'consciously' been to Christchurch (she'd been here once when she was small) before, so I sweet-talked her into coming here and yay, she did! She stayed here for a week. We walked around the city, the university campus and sometimes just watched some Korean or Japanese dramas on laptop.

A week prior, I met a Korean girl from a language exchange website. Her name was Lisa. She was here in New Zealand under a work-holiday visa. Interestingly, she also happened to be in Christchurch on the same week when Zaty was here. We decided to meet on a Thursday afternoon somewhere at the Cathedral Square. It was actually my first time meeting a person whom I knew from the cyber world! It was such a good experience.

Two days later on Christmas day, all of us had dinner together at my house. It felt kind of like a farewell dinner since Zaty, Fiqs, Lisa and her friend Vicky were leaving on the next day . Zaty made us delicious roasted chicken alongside fried noodle!

Enjoy the photos!

This is our first photo together. From left: Lisa, me, Zaty, Ain, Vicky.

We took few photos in front of our flat before Lisa and Vicky left.

Last but not least, Zaty's homemade roasted chicken! Yummy~~

On our way to the backpacker, we sang a couple of SNSD songs Oh! and Gee (purely because those were the only ones I knew, lol). Hehe...

Thanks to Zaty and Ain for making such wonderful dinner

0 Dropped Some Love

I miss my old phone T_T
Sunday, December 26, 2010 @ 8:25 PM


That evening we went to Crosbie Park. It has a complete basketball court but we actually ended up playing netball because I thought basketball was just plain harder especially when you wanted to steal the ball from the opponent.

Since there was a small playground and apparently no other kids were there, we took some time being like little children on the swings and slides before actually went to the basketball court.

So, when it was time to go home, I suddenly realized that my cellphone was nowhere in the car nor my pocket. We looked so hard for it but it's nowhere to be found . It's been with me for 2 faithful years. Aigoo~~

On our way to the park, I happened to use the phone and play some songs from 1 Litre of Tears including the fairwell song which Aya's classmates sang to her when she had to leave the school. Aigoo~~... Perfect sadness!

So, this is the 9th March song;

Anyway, I have a new phone now. My parents brought it all the way from Malaysia when they came to visit me a couple of weeks ago. It's all good~..

0 Dropped Some Love

Sumner's Cockles!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010 @ 7:35 PM


Summer is just the perfect season for any outdoor activity. It's my second favourite after spring ! Kiwis appreciate hot, sunny days alot. I remember passing by a Tennis court one summer day and found a couple of people playing, and it was 3.00 pm, a time when no one in the world would even be outside (well, at least in a tropical country like Malaysia, lol).

To appreciate the warm weather and longer daytime, me and another four friends woke up early on that Thursday morning and we headed east to the Sumner beach to collect some cockles! We brought along two buckets and some light breakfast. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at Beachville where we collected the cockles.

To find good ones, you have to dig into the sand instead of just picking the ones laying on the surface. It was pretty scary when you open the shell only to find hiding quietly inside!
Here go the photos of us by the shore!




That's me!

After having fish and chips, we drove home, had showers and some rest. Dinner that night was rice with of course, steamed cockles in hot chilli and tumeric ! Thanks to our awesome chefs Diana and Fiqs! Diana and I washed and cleaned the cockles. Since Onai was too to clean them (thanks to those little active crabs) so she made us some yummy coconut and banana pancakes! We really enjoyed our time at Sumner and the dinner!

The clean cockles!

Our traditional banana pancakes! mashikettaaa~~

When it is cooked, the shell opens itself due to extreme heat!

Spicy yet delicious!

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